How to work with riel
Feel confident in yourself
Have a positive relationship with your body
have happy periods, and exhilarating orgasms
prepare your body to have a baby
​Heal through grief from loss, breakups, divorce, abortion or miscarriage
Connect with a great romantic relationship, live in a good relationship
​engaged - prepare to be a wife
Clear anxiety.
Identify focus and clarity in moving forward where you feel stuck
Release blocks for up-leveling in your career
Heal ancestral wounds through past life reflection, identify soul contracts
Understand yourself at a deeper level
and connect to the next level of your transformational growth
Connect & Enhance
Transformational Package
Intake Session
Rapid Transformational Therapy Session
Bespoke Transformational Recording
7 Day
Follow up
21 Day
Follow Up
I'll guide you to connect to the deep all-knowing part of yourself to identify why your issue was developed, work to reframe, release or transform it, and connect yourself to your inner truth - aligning you to be a vibrational match to your desires, and set you on a course to receiving them!
The Process:
Start with a free consultation Zoom meeting to get to connect and discuss your presenting issue.
1. Once you book the Transformational Package, you will receive an in-depth intake form to complete. If this is your first time working with me, we will have a 30 minute intake/ happy activation session to practice working in hypnosis, and set your RTT session up for success.
2. Your Rapid Transformational Therapy session is scheduled for 2.5 hours. We will use hypnosis to connect to your subconscious mind, to identify the root of your presenting issue, use different healing tools to reframe, release, transform your relationship to the issue. These sessions are deep and intense, but profoundly healing. The ending is the best as it includes a series of positive affirmations and visualizations connecting you to your soul truth and next level of expansion.
3. The end of the RTT session is recorded and becomes your own personalized transformational recording. Working to rewire a new form of thought using NLP techniques, it is suggested to listen to your recording consistently for 21 days after the session. It takes 21 days to form a habit, and we are working on creating a new habit of thought and emotion about to transform your issue.
4 & 5 We will meet over Zoom to provide follow up support, processing and guidance about 7 and 21 days after the RTT session.
The logical mind cannot override decisions or beliefs made in emotions. Working in your deep emotional, subconscious state has a powerful impact in transforming and enhancing your life!
Transformational Package Total: $450
Soul Contract Session
Explore a relationship - with an ex, parent, friend, anyone - to understand your relationship at a deeper level!
This often includes past life explorations, or regressions to moments of emotional importance or lessons.
Session intentions are for insight and healing.
1.5 hrs: $125
Reconnect to a happy experience in your life, and enhance the connection in your present. This simple exercise can have profound impact in your day, potential for healing and growth, and negative emotional clearing.
30 minutes: $25
When you’re doing inner work and going through transformations, tests/opportunities can show up at any time. Intuitive coaching sessions are really helpful in the process of integrating transformations. We can do conscious talk processing, or inner voice work - where we tap into your internal guidance, do a cord cutting meditation, or an Akashic record reading. Whatever you may need for support!
30 minutes: $55
There's many ways to show and receive gratitude. If you have found additional value from your session with me, something I shared, or worked with you on, and want to essentially "tip" on your experience, you may do so! This allows me to provide complimentary sessions for those where cost is a hindrance, and the sessions I provide through the Emotional Wellness Brigade.
Your gratuity is appreciated and allows me to give back!
Direct payments may be sent through PayPal