The practice of gratitude is one of the easiest and impactful tool for changing your energy, integrating transformations, and aligning to your vortex.

After college, I was working and living in Chicago while navigating a long breakup while working at a bridal shop and driving home as often as I could. This was peak crying on the floor days.
This is also when I expanded in another layer of personal growth. I started really paying attention to how I wanted to feel. One of the major tools I picked up at this time was gratitude journaling. I had read an article or something about it, and really gravitated. Here is an article about the science behind gratitude:
I downloaded an app that I wrote in every day. Let’s be honest, sometimes I noted ‘only cried once today.’ But I really challenged myself to find new things each day to note. A call from a friend. A butterfly I saw while waiting for the train. A beautiful moment with a client.
The more I started focusing on the good things, the things I could appreciate each day, the more good things I noticed, and the better I felt.
This habit of gratitude journaling developed into a lifestyle of appreciation. Echoed into my favorite quote by Thoreau…

A few years later, I joined a gratitude challenge through instagram called #100happydays. I really enjoyed this as I love taking pictures and capturing moments - not perfectly posed photos. And at the end of the 100 days, I made a little photo book for myself with some of the pictures and gratitude notes for the day. I really enjoy looking back and reflecting on those images and notes, but it also helped me develop a lifestyle of appreciation.
I continue to focus on gratitude as part of my daily thoughts, which allowed me to notice the beautiful signs and support when my Dad was passing to non-physical, when I’m stressed to find reprieve, and to be remember to be present in the moment. This isn't 100% of the time, but having the tools and lifestyle helps support me so much!
I am feeling called to have a dedicated gratitude practice again, so I am doing another #100happydays challenge. Who wants to join me? I’d love to share with you as an accountability partner and supporter - so tag me, share a post, or ask me to follow you so I can support your gratitude practice as well! I'll be sharing mostly on IG @ariels_cosmos
What are you grateful for today?
